Oval Callout: Thu 7 Feb 2013
Sian and I attended the Cross Sector Providers Networking Event and this gave us an opportunity to undertake some training regarding sexual abuse and identifying the signs of and developing a further insight into organisations there to support families of those abused but also of the perpetrators in the hope that by them working with such organisations they will be less likely to reoffend. The informative presentation was given by Tessa Hawkes from the Lucy Faithfull Foundation and it was based around the 'Stop it Now' campaign. It covered some unpleasant areas and made for an uncomfortable session at times as nobody wants to consider the notion that a child may be being sexually abused, but it was essential listening to ensure that signs would not be missed. It was interesting to consider also the conditioning and circumstances that a perpetrator goes through before abusing a child and how they go through stages which 'normalise' their thoughts/feelings/emotions before carrying out the abuse as the barriers are gradually removed.  It was very disturbing but also enlightening as you realise that help is out there for victims and that so many more people have found their voices to speak out against abuse.  The more such uncomfortable things are considered the more likely people are to do all they can to make it harder for abusers to abuse...this has got to make for a much better world!  Safeguarding procedures and effective systems are key in ensuring that vulnerable children are not exposed to those who may harm them.  We are in a position of trust looking after our children, as parents and carers and we must all work together to share this message and ultimately STOP IT NOW!!